ISBN: 978-0-9956385-0-1
Format ; 210 x 148mm, paperback,64 pages
Price: £9.99
"Eton Colours is a small
gem that brings a
marvellous tradition of
one of the world's
greatest schools to life".
Eton College has a unique system of sporting and
House colours that has evolved over some 150 years.
The colours stand at the heart of British sartorial and
sporting tradition, and Lachlan Campbell's
delightfully illustrated book traces them from
inception through to current day - alongside some
of the myths and traditions that go with them.
This second edition is not only clearer and more
concise than the first, but also has additional plates and colours
with an interesting plate of discontinued House colours.
The book is priced at £9.99 with post & packaging on top.
This fascinating book is both essential for any current
Eton boy, Beak, parent, or Old Etonian but also for anyone
interested in the history and traditions of British sport
and style.
It is lighthearted and meant to be a bit of fun and the reader
will find a lexicon of colours and myths to enjoy.